Student Directory Information & Records

Student Records

Parents of students under the age of 18 and students over 18 have the right to inspect official student records. School principals can supply information on how to inspect student records.

Directory Information

The ³¬¼¶µõÖÓÄÌ classifies the following student information as directory information: name, address and telephone number; parent’s name(s) and address(es); class designation; date and place of birth; participation in school clubs, activities and sports; weight and height of interscholastic athletes; dates of attendance; degrees and awards received; most recent educational institute or agency attended by student; and student’s picture.

“Directory information” may be available for bona fide purposes to outside parties such as colleges, newspapers and social service agencies.

Any eligible student or parent wishing to limit the availability of directory information must do so within 14 days of this notification by contacting the student’s guidance counselor (middle and high schools) or building principal.

Other questions regarding these rights should be referred to the student’s building principal. The procedure for accessing student records or appealing inaccurate records is available upon request through the principal’s office.