WFE PLC and Goals

What is the PLC model for continuous improvement?What is the PLC

A ‘professional learning community’ is an ongoing process to which educators commit to working collaboratively in continuous cycles of collective inquiry and action research, asking why and how to achieve better results for the students we serve. The PLC foundation is job-embedded learning for educators.

What are the BIG ideas of the a PLC?

  1. Focus on learning - High levels of learning for ALL. This includes the entire community.  
  2. Collaborative Culture- We have a collective responsibility for the success of every student. All means all.
  3. Results Oriented- We are dedicated to best practice and research based instructional strategies, using student performance, multiple opportunities for assessment as a basis for decision-making.

Four questions provide the focus within the PLC:

  1. What knowledge, skills, and dispositions should every student acquire as a result of this unit, this course, or this grade level?
  2. How will we know when each student has acquired the essential knowledge and skills?
  3. How will we respond when some students don’t learn?
  4. How will we extend the learning of students who are already proficient?

Together, WE can do anything!

LCSD ³¬¼¶µõÖÓÄÌ Strategic Plan Goals

School Building Goals

  1. 2023-2024 Attendance Goal is 95% average daily attendance. Last year, our average daily attendance as reported from NYSED was 93%. We strive to increase the percentage to 95%. Our theme is "Showing Up Together" (cited Attendance Works website). We are building a culture of attendance through early outreach, attendance plans, and monitoring data on absences.We use a team approach to individual improvement plans which includes: the teacher, counselor, psychologist, nurse, principal, student, and parent/guardian. 
  2. 2023-2024 Reading Goal: Our aspirational goal is 100% of students will read on grade level.                                                                                                                     
    • Kindergarten: 60% of students will reach 45th percentile or higher on the district measure of LWSF.                                                                                                               
    • First Grade: 65% of students will reach 45th percentile or higher on district measure of NWF.                                                                                                                     
    • Second Grade: 75% of students will read on grade level according to the composite                                                                                                                                   
    • Current beginning of the year level:   
      • K LWSF 54/135 Ss or 40%
      • Grade 1 NWF 58/129 Ss or 45%
      • Grade 2 Composite 35/129 27%
      • Grade 2 ORF 37/129 Ss or 29%
  3. 2023-2024 Math Goal: Out aspirational goal is 100% of students will meet grade level math proficiency.                                                                                                   
    • Grade K-2: 100% of students will show 100% growth (1 year's growth) using the Typical Growth measurement.


Relationships             High Levels of Learning for All       Positive Culture