SRM Orientation Information 


Through education, Soule Road Middle School will inspire, empower, and challenge all students.


Ensuring high-quality education for all.


Beth Serafin                                                               Jessica Kersey

315-453-1283                                                            315-453-1283                          

Last names A-K                                                        Last names L-Z

Soule Road Complex Arrival

  • Busses drop off in the center lot.
  • Parents drop off in the middle school lot. Parking spots are reserved for parents to park, drop off and continue to leave the parking lot.
  • Doors open at 8:00 am
  • All students enter through the library entrance.
  • Students who arrive after 8:05 am, enter through the Main entrance.

Enter the Building

  • Breakfast is free for all students.
  • If your going to breakfast, go directly to the cafeteria before going to your locker and homeroom.
  • If your not going to breakfast,
  • Go to your locker.
  • Drop off sports equipment (7th and 8th grade athletes).
    • Sports equipment storage closets can be found in B (8th grade) and D (7th grade) pods.
  • Go to your homeroom.

Soule Road Complex Dismissal

  • Students are dismissed at 3:05 pm.
  • Both the library and main entrance are used for dismissal.
  • Busses are loaded in the center lot.
  • Parent pickup occurs in the middle school lot.
  • Students who need a sports shuttle will meet in the cafeteria until sports shuttle arrives.

6th Grade Visual Schedule

  • Elective/Academic Support        1
  • Core 1                                        2,3
  • Specials                                     4              
  • Core 2                                        5A, 5B
  • Lunch                                         5C
  • Elective/Academic Support        6
  • Core 3                                        7,8

6th Grade Electives/Specials

Electives: Blocks  1&6                                                                      Specials: Block 4 (switches every 8 weeks)

  • Band (2)                                                                                            Art
  • Chorus                                                                                              Music
  • Orchestra (2)                                                                                    Health
  • Resource (2)                                                                                    FACS
  • Reading                                                                                           Technology
  • PE
  • Academic Support

6th Grade Bell Schedule

  • 1 (Inc. HR)              8:05            8:58
  • 2  & 3  Core 1         9:01          10:24
  • 4                           10:27          11:07
  • 5A & 5B Core 2    11:10          12:23
  • 5C Lunch             12:26          12:56
  • 6                          12:59            1:39
  • 7 & 8 Core 3         1:42             3:05                 

7th & 8th Grade Schedule Components:

  • 5 core classes
  • 1 "special" block
  • 4 electives (2 each day)
  • Academic support
  • Lunch

7th & 8th Grade Bell Schedule

       Period                                              Start time                                   End time

  • 1st (Inc. HR)                                   8:05                                             8:58
  • 2                                                     9:01                                             9:41
  • 3                                                     9:44                                           10:24
  • 4                                                   10:27                                           11:07
  • 5A (Lunch 7A) (AS 8)                   11:10                                           11:40
  • 5B (AS 7) (Lunch 8)                     11:43                                           12:13       
  • 5C (class)                                     12:16                                           12:56
  • 6                                                   12:59                                            1:39
  • 7                                                    1:42                                             2:22
  • 8                                                    2:25                                             3:05          

7th & 8th Grade Electives/Specials

Electives (full year)                                           Specials: (switches every 8 weeks)

  • Band (2)                                                          Art
  • Chorus (2)                                                      Music
  • Orchestra (2)                                                  Health
  • Resource (2)                                                  FACS
  • Reading                                                         Technology
  • PE
  • Robotics
  • Media Arts
  • Material Processing
  • Studio Art
  • Music Production
  • Theater
  • Food Tech
  • Future Educators

First Few Days

  • Student Friendly Schedule Review in English
  • Building tours in Social Studies
  • Principal Meetings during Academic Support

First Day

  • Students should report to their first block class (this is homeroom)
    • 6th grade-do not go to your locker on the first day, report directly to your homeroom/first class.
    • Core 1 teachers will help 6th grade students unpack/open their lockers.
  • In homeroom, you will receive a blue student schedule. This will be the most updated schedule.Only follow this schedule from this point on.
  • Bring your charged chromebook if you have it at home (8th grade).
  • 6th & 7th grade students will receive chromebooks on the first day of school
  • Look at SchoolTool the night before the 1st day to make sure you know what 1st block class to attend!
  • The 1st day of school will be an "A" day.

Common Expectations: Electronics/Lockers

  • Phones/Airpods/Electronic Devices
    • The middle level district wide policy requires phones, airpods and any other electronic devices are stored in student lockers throughout the school day.
    • The School/School ³¬¼¶µõÖÓÄÌ is not responsible for theft/damage of electronic devices.
    • Students may ask to use a phone in the main office at anytime.
    • If a family member needs to make contact with their child(ren), they should call the school.
  • Lockers
    • Students are to only use the locker assigned to them.
    • No sharing of locker combinations or sharing of lockers.
    • If you forget your locker combination, please call the guidance secretary in the main office.
    • Students may carry backpacks
    • Students have 3 minutes in between classes.
  • Dress Code
  • School is a place for education and learning, clothing should reflect that.
  • Hats and hoodies are not to be worn in the building (exceptions made for certain holidays/spirit weeks).

More detailed information regarding the Code of Conduct, dress code and common expectations for bathrooms/hallways will be presented on Septemer 9th during Principal


  • Code of Conduct
  • Drills
  • School Nurses (Complex)
    • Dina Lavalle, 315-453-1280
    • Dina Evangelista, 315-453-1283
  • Safety Officer (Complex(
    • David Carleo

Club, Activities & Sports

  • Fall Sports (7th & 8th grade)                                             Club/Activities
    • Girls Cross Country                                                    Student Council
    • Boys Cross Country                                                   Ski Club
    • Boys Football                                                             Year Book
    • Boys Soccer                                                               French Club
    • Girls Soccer
    • Girls Field Hockey
    • Girls Swimming

Orientation Folders

To Complete:

  • Student Verification Form
  • Family School Compact
  • Free/Reduced Lunch form (all families, electronically if able)
  • Pens available, please return when completed.