Morgan Road Middle People

Justin Allen

Teacher - Math

Janel Badger

Teacher-Physical Education

Kaitlyn Baker

Teaching Assistant

Curtis Billings

Curtis Billings

Teacher-Special Ed

Amy Broton

Amy Broton

Teacher-Phys Ed Secondary

Erin Brown

Teacher-Social Studies (STEAM Team)

Joanna Brown

Joanna Brown

Teaching Assistant

Sarah Burkey

Teacher - ELA

Nathan Caldwell


Alicia Caron

Alicia Caron

Teacher-Music Secondary

Kristi Carroll

Kristi Carroll

Teacher-Social Studies

Robert Cavelli

Robert Cavelli

Teaching Assistant

Natalie Cerelli

Teacher-Family and Consumer Science

Denise Chupeck

Occupational Therapist

Carrie LaFlamm

Carrie Ciervo

Teaching Assistant

Charles Civiletto

Teacher-Sixth Level


Jamie Clement

Teacher Aide

Photo of Jenna Cofrancesco

Jena Cofrancesco

School Nurse

Morgan Road Middle

Bridget Colabello


Elijah Curtis

C-I-2nd shift


Peter DeFazio

Guidance Counselor

Andrew Dionne

Andrew Dionne

Teacher-6th Level

Kimberly Duby

Teacher-Special Education

Meghan Dusthimer

Food Service Helper I

Kevin Dutch

Kevin Dutch

Teaching Assistant

Kelly Dutter

Kelly Dutter

Guidance Counselor

Andrew Eames

Andrew Eames

Teaching Assistant

Robert Edwards Jr.

Robert Edwards Jr.

CW-I-1st Shift

Lynne Ehle


Jill Esposito

Jill Esposito

Teaching Assistant

Jason Fasulo

Jason Fasulo


Robert Figger

Robert Figger

Teacher-Phys Ed Elementary

Danielle Flood

Danielle Flood

Teacher- Special Education

Sean Flynn

Custodial Worker I - 2nd Shift

Amy Frani

Amy Frani

Teaching Assistant

Renee Gabriel

Renee Gabriel

Teaching Assistant

Mark Gacek

C-I-1st shift


Anthony Galeazza


Kayla Giehl

Teaching Assistant

Philip Gooley

Philip Gooley

Teacher-Phys Ed Secondary

Carolyn Gutowski

Carolyn Gutowski

Teacher-6th Level

Gregory Hamilton

Gregory Hamilton

Teaching Assistant

Photo of Kristen Hanson

Kristen Hanson

School Nurse

Morgan Road Elementary


Jeffrey Honsinger

Custodian I


Adriana Jones


Yadira Junco

Teaching Assistant

Cristina Kareem

Teaching Assistant

Shayne Knight

Shayne Knight

Teacher-Music Secondary

Sandra Longwell

Food Service Helper I

Marybeth Makhlouf

Marybeth Makhlouf

Teaching Assistant

Sarah Manansala

Teacher-Sixth Level

Jenny Martin

Jenny Martin

Teacher-6th Level

Joan Mashayekhi

Joan Mashayekhi

School Secretary I

Nicole Massenzio

Nicole Massenzio

Teacher-Foreign Language

Todd Matthews

Custodial Worker II

Richard Mecomonaco

Richard Mecomonaco

Teacher-6th Level

Brenda Metzler

Typist II

Vanessa Milbyer

Vanessa Milbyer


Shawna Morasco

Social Worker


Clint Niedzwiecki


Alex Parsons


Brian Piraino

Brian Piraino

Teaching Assistant

Amourelle Pompo

Amourelle Pompo

Teaching Assistant

Amanda Potter

Teacher-Special Education

Lori Uhl

Lori Rittle

Teacher-Music Elementary

Alan Robbins

Alan Robbins

Teacher-Science (STEAM Team)

Jason Rookey

Jason Rookey

Teacher-Foreign Language

Lori Rubio

Lori Rubio

Tch Asst w/Tech Spec

Jennifer Albicelli

Jennifer Ryan Albicelli

Library Media Specialist

Jennifer Sabin

Jennifer Sabin

Teacher-Special Ed


Jessica Sears

Teacher Aide

Marisa Seifritz

Marisa Seifritz

Teacher-Special Education

Caitlin Shannon

Caitlin Shannon

Teacher- Spanish

Kelly Smith

Teacher-Foreign Language

Sarah Smith

Sarah Smith

Occupational Therapist

Ashley Snyder



Tammy Stoutenger

Assistant Cook/Food Service II

Leanne Sunser

Leanne Sunser


Rebecca Szyffer

Physical Therapist

Christa Tarby

Food Service Helper I

Melissa Terino

Teaching Assistant with Tech Specialization


Jennifer Testone

Teacher-Special Ed

Joel Touranjoe

Teacher - Music

Owen Valentine

Owen Valentine

Teaching-Media Arts

Marisa Valentino

School Psychologist

Charles Vivacqua Jr.

Charles Vivacqua Jr.


Chelsey Warner

Chelsey Warner

Teacher-6th Level

Mark Watson


Daniel Wentworth

Daniel Wentworth

Teacher-Social Studies

Maura White

Maura White

Principal - Middle School

Dakota Wilklow

Dakota Wilklow

Teacher- Special Education