Trimester Elementary Report Cards

Understanding the Trimester Elementary Report Cards

At the elementary level, the ³¬¼¶µõÖÓÄÌ utilizes standards-based elementary report cards that are sent home three times each year.

These report cards provide parents with feedback regarding the specific skills that their child has mastered, is struggling with, or is working on, instead of a grade for subjects like reading or math.

The reports cards, which were created over the span of three years by a committee of LCSD teachers and administrators, are aligned with the Common Core Standards adopted by New York State in 2010. The standards are rigorous and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills students need to become life-long learners.

The standards-based elementary report cards use a numerical evaluation key (with “4” being the highest score earned and “1” being the lowest) to represent a child’s progress.

They key does not translate to a specific letter grade, but helps provide LCSD parents, guardians and teachers with very specific information about how students are doing and help ensure that students are successful in meeting grade-level standards.

The following key will appear on all report cards to help parents understand their child’s progress:

4 = Above and beyond trimester expectations

3 = Meets trimester expectations

2 = Making progress toward trimester expectations

1 = Significantly below trimester expectations

Teachers provided copies of each student’s report card to parents during the two parent conference days held at the end of November, and discussed the new evaluation system with them. These meetings also provided parents with an opportunity to ask questions and obtain a better understanding of the new standard-based report cards.

At the bottom of this page (under "Related Files" and "Related Links"), you will find additional information about the new standards-based elementary report cards.